Awarded Setting: Little Holly Hedgehog Preschool

We at Little Holly Hedgehog Pre-school are absolutely thrilled to be awarded our accreditation Millie’s Mark.
We are a small pre-school of 20 children with 4 staff. All staff have been encouraged to be involved in the process. Staff have all undertaken 3 yearly paediatric first aid course, and to ensure confidence they undertake yearly updates.
Staff also carry out weekly first aid quizzes, we have become very inventive, planning entertaining ways to keep all staff engaged with first aid which increases confidence whilst highlighting the importance of it.
The process has been extremely vigorous, often highlighting aspects within the setting which requires improvement/change. The whole team has embraced these changes and have been 100% behind Millie’s Marks ethos.
Thank you, Millie’s Mark for giving us the opportunity to develop new awareness and embed better practice and confidence into our setting.