Awarded Nursery: Bright Beginnings Day Nursery

Bright Beginnings Day Nursery, York has been established for 20 years. We were awarded Millie’s Mark 21st July 2017 and could not be prouder.
It is a cosy 32 place nursery where we pride ourselves on being the home from home that children need. Christine Henderson (Director) ensures a high standard of quality care which is centred on the well-being and safety of every child that walks through the door. A rigorous recruitment policy also ensures that anyone joining the Bright Beginnings team does so with the same ethics.
Earning Millie’s Mark accreditation is a step forwards for Bright Beginnings as it clarifies that the team’s knowledge remains up to date, our skill set is constantly improving and what we believe to be good practice is challenged on a daily basis.
We pride ourselves on task driven improvement, regular auditing and action planning to maintain our high standards. Going through the process of working towards Millie’s Mark supported us in this and has improved our skills in assessing other aspects of the nursery. We have a 100% Paediatric First Aid trained team which ensures that every child can be cared for effectively and efficiently during an emergency. With this reassurance comes responsibility and our team are now confident in managing all emergency scenarios with the support of each other.
We use staff meetings as opportunities to reassess our knowledge and confidence levels and reflect on accidents which have occurred within the setting. This reassures us that when we manage accidents and injuries we are doing so quickly and effectively. Millie’s Mark is not purely about ensuring that our First Aid skills are secure, it is about using those skills and our understanding of how to keep children safe to prevent serious injuries and accidents from occurring.
Millie’s Mark has instilled confidence in Christine, her management team, her team of early years practitioners and the parents who use her service. Bright Beginnings looks forward to maintaining this accreditation and improving further over the next three years.