Awarded setting: Northern Lights Preschool

At The Northern Lights Preschool, in Halifax, the safety of children has always remained at the centre of our practice.
New staff complete their Paediatric First Aid training within the first month of them starting their employment, in order to ensure 100% of our staff are PFA trained at all times. However, the opportunity to further enhance our first aid practice through the Millie’s Mark accreditation process was something all staff were eager to pursue.
As a result of the Millie’s Mark Audit, we designed an annual calendar of activities to enable staff to keep their knowledge of first aid up to date and develop competency. This has proven to be very effective as discussions around first aid take place in every staff meeting.
To celebrate with parents we announced our achievement during the winter fair. Parents responded positively and felt more confident in continuing to entrust their little treasures with The Northern Lights Preschool staff.