Specialist training to meet the needs of every child

The Co-operative Childcare in the Newburn area of Newcastle-upon-Tyne serves over 100 children from the local community. Among these, the nursery supports a number of children who speak English as an additional language and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff are also trained in Makaton, a form of sign language used to encourage communication.
Co-operative Childcare has staff trained in autism, behaviour management, epilepsy, tube feeding and special educational needs. Furthermore, there is always someone on hand who is qualified in Paediatric First Aid training and can respond quickly to an emergency. Staff can go on refresher courses in between their 3 yearly full Paediatric First Aid training, and the company shares updates on issues highlighted in the media, such as choking incidents.
Managers monitor accident records, producing monthly reports on the appropriateness of any first aid given. Data is collected via a detailed bar chart system which includes details of the accident, who dealt with it and actions taken as a result. Staff immediately put actions into place to help prevent near misses, for example, sand has been put around a climbing frame in muddy conditions to prevent slips, trips and falls.
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