Awarded Settings May, June & July

A huge congratulations to all settings awarded over the last quarter! We have had a total of 38 settings awarded over May, June and July which is fantastic to see!
All settings have been fully dedicated to the cause and we are so happy to see settings passionate about Millie's Mark and the difference it makes. We hope you have enjoyed sharing the news with your parents and local communities and spreading the word that you are a setting that goes above and beyond!
Here is the full list of awarded settings below:
Toddle-In Daycare Nursery Limited
St Mary & St Michael (Tower Hamlets) Holiday Scheme
Little Dragons Day Nursery
Anglesey House Nursery
Ladybirds Nursery
Smile Childcare Ltd
Bluebells Forest Preschool
If you want to know where your nearest Millie's Mark accredited setting is please click this link or give us a call on 01484 407070.
Congratulations again to all settings!