Coronavirus update

Please find below an update for your childcare setting regarding Millie’s Mark, whether you want to apply, are currently working towards accreditation or have already been awarded. You can find general Coronavirus updates and support on the NDNA website.
If you want to apply for Millie’s Mark
You are still currently able to apply and work towards Millie’s Mark. Panels are not currently taking place, so your application will go towards the next available panel.
If you are currently working towards Millie’s Mark
Millie’s Trust and NDNA understand your concerns about paediatric first aid training and the six month window to achieve Millie’s Mark. Due to the ongoing situation, we have agreed that settings working towards Millie’s Mark can currently have an extension until 25 November 2020 in line with the disapplication of the EYFS.
You may be ready to apply for assessment and can still do so, however we will not be holding panel due to government social distancing guidelines. We will review government guidance and update you when this extended period will close.
If your paediatric first aid certificate is due to expire, the Department for Education has announced a final deadline of 25 November 2020 for re-qualification of first aid requirements, which applies to certificates expiring on or after 16 March 2020. Please note that the existing requirement remains in place where children aged 0 to 24 months are on site. Paragraph 3.25 and Annex A of the statutory framework for the EYFS set out the requirements, including that ‘at least one person who has a current PFA certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present, and must accompany children on outings.’ 
Due to lockdown many staff will need training or refresher training before this deadline.  With safety measures in place capacity for PFA training could be low so you may want to identify training needs earlier than you normally would. The staff matrix might be helpful for you to identify and prioritise those that need training.
The DfE has updated its guidance around early years foundation stage (EYFS) disapplications to state that providers, if asked to do so, should be able to explain why the first-aider has not been able to requalify and demonstrate what steps have taken to access the training. Employers or certificate holders must do their best to arrange requalification training at the earliest opportunity.
During this time you may wish to use the staff confidence audit to enable you to consider how best to support your staff whilst they are waiting to retake/take paediatric first aid training.
If you have already achieved Millie’s Mark
We are aware how passionate you all are about paediatric first aid in your setting and how challenging the situation is at the moment. If you are still operating during this time, we have agreed that as long as you have the minimum levels of paediatric first aid qualified staff set out by the EYFS, you will still be considered as meeting the requirements of the Mark until 25 November 2020.
f your paediatric first aid certificate is due to expire, the Department for Education has announced a final deadline of 25 November 2020 for re-qualification of first aid requirements, which applies to certificates expiring on or after 16 March 2020. Please note that the existing requirement remains in place where children aged 0 to 24 months are on site. Paragraph 3.25 and Annex A of the statutory framework for the EYFS set out the requirements, including that ‘at least one person who has a current PFA certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present, and must accompany children on outings.’ 
The DfE has updated its guidance around early years foundation stage (EYFS) disapplications to state that providers, if asked to do so, should be able to explain why the first-aider has not been able to requalify and demonstrate what steps have taken to access the training. Employers or certificate holders must do their best to arrange requalification training at the earliest opportunity.
All settings that are due for renewal will remain awarded until 25 November to allow time for you to complete the renewal process. If you have any queries or concerns please contact us,
We are recommending that settings carry out a risk assessment (if not already) of their setting, especially in light of any potential health and safety measures put in place or additional children they are taking on during this time. When completing risk assessments you may wish to revisit staff confidence to enable you to consider how best to support your staff whilst they are waiting to retake/take PFA training. To help maintain the team’s wider knowledge, where staff have recently undertaken training it would be best practice to cascade this to all staff where possible. 
You can find changes to the EYFS Paediatric First Aid requirements during the coronavirus pandemic here.
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