Awarded setting: Woodlands Day Nursery

Woodlands Day Nursery, Elmscot Ltd is one of six nurseries (four located in the Trafford area). It is a private day nursery, which has been open since 2006 and was last Ofsted inspected in April 2016, receiving an ‘Outstanding’ grade. The nursery has 124 children on roll and has 28 members of staff.
We are so happy to have achieved the Millie’s Mark Accreditation as it something we feel so passionately about. Every day, the team at Woodlands Day Nursery work so closely with Health & Safety Regulations and First Aid regulations, to ensure that all children that attend our setting are kept safe and that all members of staff are confident in administrating first aid, so it is great to be recognised and celebrated for all that hard work.
The best part of the process was realising how much Woodlands Day Nursery already did which fitted in with the Millie’s Mark Accreditation. Our robust policies and procedures provide reassurance on how much we value the safety of the children that attend the nursery and also the importance of ensuring that all members of staff are adequately trained in first aid.
This award has been greatly received by our parents and all members of staff, who have worked so hard over the last six months to ensure that their knowledge around first aid is demonstrated in their daily practice and is constantly strengthened through one-to-one guidance and support, first aid scenarios and refresher courses.

Woodlands Day Nursery was the 400th provider to be awarded Millie's Mark - read more here.